Juan José Santos

– Casa Wabi 2017

Community Project

El Museo Escondido – “Centro de estudios de Bachillerato de Río Grande”
We built a “hidden museum” with high school students. They choose an object with a special meaning wrote that explanation and hid the object in the garden of Casa Wabi. The hiding place with GPS was recorded by noting the location on a concept map. Being them who choose the object, explain it, choose a hiding place and wrote the texts of the exercise, they deepened the idea of “memorial” and “museum” as well as the importance of conceptualization and contextualization of their memory and collective.


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(Valladolid, Spain, 1980)
Art critic and independent curator, Diploma in Art History from the University of Valladolid (Spain), BA in Journalism from the University SEK (Spain) and Postgraduate “Specialist in Art Criticism” at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) .

Since 2006 is a contributor of international magazines on contemporary art as Momus, ArtNexus, Dardo Magazine, A * desk and Rotunda, and on cultural magazines such as La Panera. He is also a contributor of the newspaper El País, and columnist in The Clinic and El Ciudadano. He has been editor-in-chief of the international magazine specialized in contemporary art “Arte al Límite” in 2012.

He has been the curator of collective and individual exhibitions, such as Sobreexposición (Museum of Contemporary Art, Chile, 2016), El Rapto (Museum of Fine Arts, Chile, 2016), or “Instantáneas de un viaje en tren”, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina (Centro Cultural de España, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Costa Rica, 2014-2016)

In 2017 his first book, “Curatorial work by Latin America, 30 exhibitions ” will be published by Metales Pesados Ed.

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