Huna Roel

– Casa Wabi 2015

Community Project

Taller de leyendas – Río Grande
Create with the inhabitants of Hidalgo a sound book, which will be part of the cultural capital of the town. This book may be available at the Hidalgo Children’s and Youth Library.

Propose different ways to approach the practice of the oral story. Use the bodily and oral possibilities to reach the purpose of the workshop: “Awakening the legends, is remembering to dream”. Each one as a hero of their own story can be invented and reinvented as they wish. Each word can play between the real and the imaginary.

And so, like Puerto Escondido, the body sometimes hides. People say that they are going to raise their daughters, the feelings, from the very generous intimacy of ‘‘ sharing ’’.


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Llives and works in Marseille, France

Huna Ruel is a french artist, she lives and works in Marseille, France.
Ruel studied at the Ecole supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence. Her work is based on different platforms like performance, writing and video art.
May 2015
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