Cristian Chironi

– casa wabi 2017

Community Project

Arquitectura cuerpo y paisaje – Estudiantes de arquitectura de la Red de universidades del Sureste, plantel de Puerto escondido
The objective of the workshop of the Italian artist Cristian Chironi; was to train through a series of relationships to the students, in the acceptance of himself and in comparison with others, his being in the world. In an open place where they were in contact
with different modes of expression and new linguistic devices; they were asked to rethink the structure of things.
The project comprised 4 meetings of various creative activities.
After a first session in which the general vision of the artist’s works exhibited, the participants were willing to have a creative approach. Being invited to exchange ideas, impressions, and experiences, discussing with each other and with the artist himself.
Casa Wabi environments are occupied by various types of interactions and experiments that allowed the workshop to flow as expected.
They invited them to participate in two projects that the artist had previously done, the first with the use of voice; the echo in the architecture of the exhibition hall and the observatory in Casa Wabi. Allowing students to explore the course and resonance of sound within a space.
The second, using the body and gestures, were able to communicate an architectural alphabet. Each of the participants was photographed posing some of the architectural elements found in the place: a roof, a brick, a nail, a door. The purpose of the workshop was to use the architecture of the house, the understanding of the course of time that distinguishes one moment from the other, the sound and the surrounding landscape, as appropriation of a being in the world. Appreciating each of the elements, allowed participants to become the landscape, architecture, etc.


  • Sin Título (2017) Foto de la última sesión del proyecto “Nosotros somos el paisaje”

Sin Título (2017)
Foto de la última sesión del proyecto “Nosotros somos el paisaje”


Lives and works in many places in the world

Cristian Chironi was born in the center of Sardinia. Lives and works in many places in the world.
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. He Uses different languages, including, performance, photography, video, drawing, often creating a sort of interaction among them. He worked on site specific performances and installations, always looking for the interaction with the context, be it human (public) and environmental (space). His research aims to relate image and imagination, fact and fiction, memory and modernity, conflict and integration, material and immaterial.
Among his solo exhibitions: Lo stato delle cose 16a Quadriennale Rome; My house is a Le Corbusier (Casa Curutchet) La Plata; My house is a Le Corbusier (Appartement 50 – Unité d’habitation) Marseille; My house is a Le Corbusier (Studio-Apartment) Paris; My house is a Le Corbusier (Esprit Nouveau Pavillon) Bologna; Broken English MAN-Art Museum of the Province of Nuoro; Cutter Musée historique et des porcelaines Nyon.
Among his group exhibitions: RADIEUSE, capitolo 98 Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bruxelles; Back to the land Studio La Città Verona; corpo.gesto.postura Oval Lingotto Artissima Turin; VX30 Chaotic Passion Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce Genova; Lié (ou non) à un emplacement en particulier Kunstmuseum Thun; Embodied Resilience Italian Embassy Berlin; The laws of hospitaly P420 Gallery; Far From Where Macro Pelanda Rome; Volume Collection Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka; Community – The collective rituals before and after the Web Marca – Museum of Arts of Catanzaro; City Limits – Close your eyes and dream Tongji University in Shanghai; International Festival for Arts and Media Yokohama 2009/CREAM Tokyo University of the Arts Competition Yokohama; To Bring International Videos To Istanbul Akbank Sanat and Istanbul Bilgi University Istanbul; Soft Cell: dynamics in space in Italy and videoReport Italia GC.AC. Monfalcone; Rereading the Image – Photography as storage of meaning (Italy 1970-2009) Prague Biennal Art 4.
He has participated in festivals and exhibitions devoted to performance including: CN D – Centre National de la Dance Pantin; Santarcangelo Festival Internazionale del teatro in piazza Santarcangelo di Romagna; Performance Voyage 4 MUU Gallery Helsinki; LE FAR° Festival des arts vivants Nyon; Burning Ice Kaai Theater/studio’s Brussel; CORPUS.Arte in azione Museo Madre Napoli; Le soirées nomades de la Fondation Cartier Paris; Les urbaines – Festival des créations émergentes Lausanne; Trama Fundacao Serralves Porto; Mirfestival Atene; Plateaux Festival Frankfurt; Living Room Xing Bologna.
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