Lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1979, Mexico City
Lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mauricio Limon is a self-taught artist.
Through personal affairs with people from his former hometown Mexico City, Mauricio Limón de Léon made films, drawings, paintings and performances in which he revealed the complexity of his characters’ inner world. As actors they challenged forms of masculine representation. These circumstances function as vehicles for Limón’s own questions.
Limon was recently selected for the Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten (2016-2017) residency. In 2014, Limon was nominated for the Future Generation Art Prize by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and participated in the 14th Museo Tamayo Biennial, Mexico City. Limon has also been awarded the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant in 2010 and the Jóvenes Creadores Grant by FONCA in 2011-2012.
His solo and group shows include: Justos Desconocidos, Cuarto de Maquinas, México DF, México, 2015; XVI Biennial Tamayo, Museo Tamayo, México DF, 2014; 21 Artist Shortlisted for the Future Generation Art Prize, PinchukArtCentre, Kiev, 2014; Buscando la sombra del árbol, Galería Hilario Galguera, México DF, México, 2014; Videonale 14, Kunst Museum Bonn, Germany, 2013; Batiente.01 Un momento, DESARCUERDO, Un principio, Casa del Lago Juan José Arreóla, México DF, México, 2012; Disponible: A Kind of Mexican Show, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 2011 and San Francisco Art Institute, 2010, An Exchange with Sol LeWitt, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, MA, 2011; Versus, Projex-Mtl. Montreal, Canada, 2011; Fetiches Críticos, collaboration with Xavier Rodríguez, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid, 2010; Hecho en Casa, Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City, 2009.