Yóllotl Alvarado

– Casa Wabi 2015

Community Project

Video herramientas para cooperativas – Comunidades de La Ventanilla, El zapotalito, El Venado y Cacalote Varias cooperativas

A video was made on collaborative processes with different cooperatives in the area. For this, a series of audio and video interviews were conducted with members of the following cooperatives: Ventanilla – Zapotalito – El Venado -Cacalote.

The video was edited so that it would serve as a learning tool for other cooperatives of the wetlands network and the cooperative that the Chichonal Volcano settlers want to start. It was presented to the assembly of cooperatives (Wetlands Network) of the coast to share social organization experiences and promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences.


  • Volcán (2015) Impresión digital a color 61.2 x 41.2 cm

Volcán (2015)
Impresión digital a color
61.2 x 41.2 cm


Yollotl Alvarado’s body of work follows the conceptual axis that manifest the common denominator of collectivity as a influx phenomenon in identity as well as imaginary construction processes. His work is directed to repentino on teh political present and functions around the idea of landscape as an ideological and social construction, it uses history of Mexico and national representations as catalysts for his production processes.
Alvarado beins his artistic formation with a photography degree from the Escuela Activa de Fotografía (2004-2007), followed by a seminar on contemporary photography at Centro de la Imagen (2008) and a BVA from “La Esmeralda” ENPEG (2008-2012). Also studied in a cultural exchange program at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2011).
He has received 2 acquisition prices: Bienal Internacional De Arte Universitario (2012) and Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven (2009).
He was a part of the Jóvenes Creadores program (2011-2012). He has done artistic residencies: “En Paralelo” in Medellín, Colombia as a part of 43 Salón (inter) Nacional de Artistas (2013) and “89+” at the Google Cultural Institute, París, France.
Founding member of Cooperativa Cráter Invertido, as well as the following collectives: Grupo (DE), Frente Libertario de Liberación Libertad (F.L.L.L), CIDOC (Consultorio Informal de Desplazamientos a Ojos Cerrados), Brigada Revolucionaria Popocatépetl (B.P.R) and collaborates with Fundación 4-18 (Colombia).
Yollotl’s work extends to the fields of cinematography, editing, radio and organisation of collaborative processes.
His work’s been shown in individual and collective exhibitions in Mwxico, Colombia, Belgium, Japan, Canada, Italy and France.
Julio 2015

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