Nicolas Kyrillou

– Casa Wabi 2023

Community Project

“Transatlantic Bridge: From Oaxaca to Cyprus” was a dialogue between the artist and a group of students from the Language Faculty of UABJO in Puerto Escondido. Seeking historical, aesthetic, and cultural affinities, the goal was to find bridges between two cultures as distant as Cypriot and Mexican. The exchange included aspects of archaeology, dance, clothing, food, among others.


Current resident from october 20th to november 26th.


Nicosia, 1998

Born and raised in Cyprus and graduated from Beaux Arts de Lyon (2021 and Beaux Arts de Paris in 2023. After high school, he joined the army for his compulsory military service where he spent his time observing the Buffer Zone of Nicosia, the territory which divides Cyprus in two. He currently lives and works between Paris and Nicosia, his work in sculpture and multimedia focuses on the question of the division of his country and his city of birth, the last divided capital in the world, and the memory and materiality of a border. He is interested in the techniques of casting, especially in plaster, burlap, and raw clay. His work has been exhibited in the Louvre Museum in the room of preclassical Greece, at the Paris de Études de Beaux Arts in Paris (collective exhibitions: Crush, Mondes Nouveaux etc.) and in other collective exhibitions in Paris and Geneva.
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