Community Project
These enigmatic characters, known as the Invisible Men or Crystal Beings, are brought to life by different individuals in a variety of contexts. The silver-mirrored Crystal Being embodies the essence of the soul, detached from identity and body, who roams the realms of the ethereal.
The Crystal Beings are paradoxical beings, silent yet noisy (due to their metallic sound), existing as elements that reflect their environment. These recurring characters have lived in a variety of contexts and exhibition molds, adapting easily to different social, cultural and urban fabrics. The fact that they are completely anonymous, due to their reflective clothing, completely eliminates any hint of the performer’s identity, creating ambivalence about their gender, age or ethnicity. At the level of the viewer, it creates inquisitive uncertainty and social discomfort, as normative parameters of identification are extinguished. For the performer, it creates an experience of introspection in a collective environment, generating feelings of detachment, satisfaction and curiosity.