Casa Wabi Residents at Casa Neptuna in collaboration with Fundación Ama Amoedo

Fundación Ama Amoedo and Fundación Casa Wabi announce that Mexican artists Marcos Castro and Josué Mejía have been selected to participate in a 4-week residency in José Ignacio, Uruguay. This exchange takes place within the framework of the FAARA Conecta program by Fundación Ama Amoedo.

Josué Mejía (b. Mexico, 1994) studied Visual Arts at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and was part of the 2020 generation of the SOMA Educational Program. Through paintings, drawings, and installations, his work revisits historical narratives to analyze how these narratives are produced and established. His work has been presented individually in spaces and museums in Mexico such as Proyectos Monclova (2023), Museo Jumex (2022), guadalajara90210 (2022); and collectively at the 15th FEMSA Biennial (2024), Sala de Arte Público Siqueiros (2023), 22nd Contemporary Art Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil (São Paulo, 2023), SCAD Museum of Art (Savannah, 2021), and Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo (2020), among others. He has been a recipient of the Jóvenes Creadores program (2021 and 2018) of the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA).

Marcos Castro (b. Mexico, 1981) studied Visual Arts at the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado “La Esmeralda”. He was part of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores del FONCA from 2019 to 2022 and is a founding member and co-director of the cultural space Obrera Centro. His recent solo exhibitions include: Quemando la casa, Maia Contemporary (2024); Tremors in paradise, Dot Fiftyone Gallery (2023); El estado de las cosas, Museo del Chopo (2021); Te conozco de antes, Proyectos Monclova & Machete (2021); Negras Tormentas, El Clauselito, Museo de la Ciudad de México (2012); among others. His group exhibitions include: Eje Neovolcánico, Museo de Arte Moderno (2023); OTRXS MUNDXS, Museo Tamayo (2020), 3rd Kamias Triennial (2020); An exhibition with works by…, Kunstinstituut Melly (2020); El animal herido, Museo Experimental El Eco (2019); Estudio de Trazo, Museo de Arte Moderno (2014); Panorámica, Palacio de Bellas Artes (2013).

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