Melissa Angel Cabrales

– Casa Wabi 2024

Community Project

There is so much sea and a little sand, life and its continuity. Personal space, free of weight, free of measure and free of time. Through exercises that recognize the internal place we inhabit and the intimacy of thought, several imaginary elements of the chair as a totem and safe place were made. These exercises led us to the final pieces. The chair as a functional element that in this case is based on the concept of zafu or zen bench that reminds us of the Japanese zazen philosophy, where za is the position of the body and zen, that of the mind. The clay as an element of the earth that connects us with our essence and the sea that invites us to flow with the continuity of thought. Each clay chair was elaborated from the beginning with the strength and weight of each of the participants, supporting the body and the mind; repairing the fragments and putting the parts together to achieve the final piece that alludes to the place and safe space and that connects through the Pacific Ocean, generating a direct dialogue between two cultures. Puerto Escondido-Buenaventura. The same ocean, different views.


Todo lo interesante ocurre en la sombra


Cali, 1984

Melissa Angel (1984 Cali, Colombia) is a plastic artist whose practice ranges from painting, graphic and tridimentional objects.
In reference to the painting, predominates abstraction in great formats, transparencies, the use of layers and a rich applications of texture in which the color works as a matter.

In the graphic field Melissa ́s work explores again the amplification of the format in its dimension, diversity in supporting materials and the repetition of a pattern that becomes a trade mark of her work. Finally, the tridimentional characters of the pieces is given a refine shape
to the form, that challenges the object material whether it is glass, iron among others.

To question what we remember and how we perceive it becomes a tool of collective construction, derived from intimacy and individuality.
At the same time, the whole of this artist ́s work is influenced by the constant exploration of two fundamental elements, the chair as a symbolic object as well as routinary; and memory as a reference sector that carries the understanding of death as a way of constant transformation.

Melissa studied plastic arts at the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. Her work has been exhibited in major cities such as Cali, Miami, and Barcelona. Since 2015, her work has involved continuous community engagement, specifically with the recycling guild, the majority of whose members are single mothers located in Quintas del Sol, in the Agua Blanca district, on the east side of Cali, where the artist lives and works.
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